Playing for Change

Music. Sometimes the sounds are so powerful there are no words to describe them; the player's energy makes contact with the listener, ripping through to his very soul. Even the most hard-hearted can be moved to tears with no explanation. Playing for Change has managed to create a grassroots movement with musicians that have created this auditory strength, and I dare anyone to stand in its way.
Starting in Santa Monica, California, a street musician was recorded while playing "Stand by Me." The recording has literally gone around the world, and, at various stops, other musicians have added tracks.
The music alone is great, but when punctuated by the realization that these people have never met, are not famous, and simply displayed their talents on the street in an effort to create a single, harmonic tune to prove the world can work together in a way that is pleasing to everyone, the glass ceiling is shattered.
A number of songs have been created, and celebrities like Bono and Norman Lear are putting their efforts behind the movement, but the promotion is being fueled by social media. I'm adding a log to the fire and extending a torch. Visit the website, watch the video, and pass the flame.


  1. Wild, simply wild.

    A few years ago, I ran across a book, "Einstein's Violin." Apparently prior to the book, very few were aware of the famous physicist's love of music, and how he related to human energy and activity. Right next to that book on the shelf was "Classical Music for Dummies," which mentioned the power of music across cultural lines. There are actually some physical science similarities between music, frequencies, and human appreciation of same. Interesting stuff.

    Thanks for sharing this.

  2. There actually is scientific data linking music, colors and the human body. I can't spout it all off the top of my head but it is interesting that there are seven notes to a musical scale, seven colors of the rainbow, and seven chakras that are aligned within our bodies. Some experiments have been done to indicate that specific musical notes will generate responses from specific areas of the body. The tones of the notes also align in some way with the spectrum of colors. The corresponding note and color can draw a bodily reaction. Is it any wonder we are fascinated by laser music shows?!

  3. People stare at me when I get into this discussion, however, I contend that virtually everything in life can be explained through physics, even biological activity.


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