Sleeping on the Job
According to a recent study, napping on the job is a good thing because it increases productivity. Perhaps the fired air traffic controllers should be reinstated, compensated for undue stress, and given raises for actually doing a good job. Personally, I often wish I could take a nap, but the situation is not conducive for plunking down my head and dozing. I realize that the average five-hour-a-night rest that I get is not sufficient. I also heard about a study that says lack of sleep can cause weight gain. So, for my sanity, and in hopes of repairing my metabolism, I have made an effort to wedge out more time for a good night's rest. The result: I wake up after five hours, and when I go back to sleep, the remaining time is fitful with odd dreams, multiple awakenings, and a lot of movement. Maybe I can concentrate my efforts to have dreams about fitness classes and channel my movement to a workout in order to gain physical benefit to combat the effects of sleep loss. Anything beat...